Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Monday Blues

Met Kaiwen early in the morning at 7.30am to head to Clarke Quay for our job training. And guess what, training is the next day! Fuck, we made
all our way there and the person tell us that they don't have our names in the paper. We went to see the paper that they gave it to us last week, it said 14th June. Monday was 13th June. Tsk. The person in the office told us that its Monday! Somemore early in the morning, damn it man.
Embarrassment. The fact that
we have to wake up early in the morning again & go back the next day makes me feel damn sian.

Met Kaiwen early in the morning at 7.30am to have breakfast with her at Central@ Clarke Quay! After that we met up with Ariel & Ashely. We just kept talking & laughing & jumping about. Say Qi you are damn famous now, see! Everyone is talking about you! It was great seeing Ashely as it's been a long time since i see her! We settled down at Graffiti Cafe and later at Old Town White Coffee. Hahahaha we were trying to find for Say Qi Number 2! Laughs.

When night comes, Ashely went off while Kaiwen Ariel & I went to Scape Park. There were Hot Cute Skateboarders!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh, there was one wearing a PEaCE shirt & jeans! HOT.

Went to AMK Mac and got ourselves a drink from Mc Cafe. Himalayan tea Frappe is damn nice, taste like Teh Tarik. You guys should go try! Some people may like it, some people don't. But i like it.

Headed off to Kaiwen's house block to skateboard. Ariel went off after playing a black cat at the block! Although i don't like them, i must admit that they are adorable. I want to take up skateboarding, and buy myself a skateboard. I don't mind saving up for one, and a rollerblade. Want to take up rollerblading too. A bit too late hur, take up lessons now when holidays are going to end.


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