Friday, June 17, 2011

Hold on tight.

Had a crazy fun night with Ariel, Kaiwen, Cally. I prefer hanging out at night. More quiet & peaceful with lesser people, but not for scape! Currently loving mac & old town white coffee. Because their stores opened till later than others, and mac @ scape isn't 24/7! I was totally shocked! I thought all mac are 24/7!

Will talk about the night out later once pictures are uploaded. I realise that i'm always waiting for the pictures, but its okayokay. I should get myself a dslr, which i have been wanting for since i was in Sec2. I should probably start saving up for one, since i did told myself that i will get one when i start working ( wait, i'm not even working! )

I didn't sleep a wink since the previous night which was like 2 days ago, because i couldn't. I was chased out of the house but i'm back home again, here. I got my own ways to get myself back into the house. Hehehehehehehehehe. By then it was 5. I can't sleep. Decided to get my butt up & pack my wardrobe and cupboards, and at the same time i shall sorta out the clothes that i want to sell tomorrow at Chinatown Flea! Kinda excited! ^^


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