Monday, July 11, 2011

Miss Universe Singapore 2011

2010 Miss Singapore:
Ris Low.

I kinda like her, because she has a funny character. But she had to give up her crown because:

" Ris Low, a 19-year-old student, had first resisted calls to give up her crown after Singapore media revealed she received a suspended sentence for stealing and misusing customers' credit cards when she worked as a receptionist.

She was convicted of credit card fraud in May and sentenced to two years' probation.

When asked if she was finally bowing down to public pressure, the 19-year-old beauty queen said: "I feel that it would be better for everyone, including Singaporeans who are not very supportive of me going to this pageant.

"This is actually the best for everybody, including the company, the public and for myself. So yes, I have given it up because I think it's the best choice now."

Her broken english and her sense of humour makes her funny & all, i don't mind having her as the Miss Singapore. Anyway all singaporeans always end their broken sentences with "loh" "meh" "mah" "leh"! She's down to earth and not afraid about what others think about her.

" Sometimes when i'm feeling naughty, I will love wear something that is RED, LOUD, something that.. BOOOMZ. "
" Something that shouts, ME! "

" I love Safari, i love Leapord prints, Zebra, you know, Khaki green? You can put it off with leapord prints or zebra prints. "

She even invented a word called:

Another way of saying shit, fuck, crap. I prefer fuck.
Watch this watch this!
Chat show hosted by Shan & Rozz with Ris Low!

The New Miss Singapore for 2011!

8 finalists!

All girls should shave their hair to determine whose really the prettiest.

How true is that. Look at the pics above! When their hair and fringe is tied up, all of them look alike! Probably exception for Shanaz Nazi, who had her fringe down when she took her individual picture.

So hard to vote for one to win as all of them look the same! Search for them with hair down and..

PAUSED AT 0.59!!! :p

The voting poll online.

I'll vote for Amanda Leong or Shanaz Nazi. Both of them are pretty, unlike the rest!
Okay i think Miss Universe Singapore isn't big at all!

Why am i blogging about this in the first place ??
Okay bye!

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