Sunday, July 10, 2011

Toast Box.

Supposed to reach Alexandra Hospital for my dental appointment at 10.20am. Both my dad & I took our own sweet time and when we just about to walk out at 10.23am, the dentist called to tell us that the appointment was postponed because i couldn't make it on time. Nice one. Claps.

Rushed to the wedding lunch, I HEARD WEDDING BELLS.
My ugly cousin married a pretty girl home. Haha, joking. Both are good looking actually.

After that headed to Orchard & walked down to Cinea & chill @ Toast box.


Now, taking pictures with eyes closed is the trend.

Cock face.

A lot of pictures are blur.

So, note to all: Taking pictures with eyes closed is the current trend.

And ohmygod OhMyGod OHMYGOD!!

The thing i've been waiting for so long came! The keys for our new house is here! I'm going to see the house on this coming Tuesday which is 2 days later! I'm damn excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to renovate my bedroom to my liking & display all my favourites!

Although i hate the part when we have to move almost everything there..

Ahhhhhhhh *screammmmms*!

Currently i'm sharing a room with my brother, and now i have my own room! No one's going to go without my permission! I can have my own privacy! The mad idea is to ignore my parents & adopt a pet in the new house. They will go mad for sure. They love animals but hate the fact of the cleaning up & the smell. I can settle all that! I make sure i know how to before i adopt one.


I used to have two hamsters. One is white in colour, female while the other one is full black, male.


My mum BATHED the hamsters EVERYDAY WITH SOAP & WATER because she can't stand the smell of them. I told her a zillion times that she can't bathe them with water! The hamsters were shivering when they were out of water! And my mum put them into warm water! Which makes things worse, ohmy. She never listen, she always think that she's right and WE ARE WRONG. Fine, after one week i decided to give the hamsters away. Since she can't stand the smell & the rise of water bills, forget it. When the rest of the family can't even smell anything!

Love how cute they were..

Although they were very naughty & always fight with each other & bite me!
But no pictures of those two cute little ones! Can't believe it! Actually i took quite a lot but they were all in Friendster & i deleted my account! Claps.

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