Sunday, September 18, 2011


I'll NEVER EVER order beef bowl from Yoshinoya again. Look at the amount of visible fats on the beef! It's not small ones but those really HUGE CHEWY KIND that got me really disgusted when i finished the whole bowl. I dislike the chewiness. Eeew.

My new awesome friend - Pamela!
I got to know Pamela through Kaiwen, & Kaiwen met Pamela at first in New Zealand! How cool is that!?

Booked her for the first time on a Saturday afternoon for a study date. Settled down at Yoshinoya @ Junction 8 because library and mcdonalds were occupied, as usual!! A great studying hangout as it's pretty empty which means, LESS NOISE :D We ended up having so much stuff to talk about & not studying, from topics of her friends to my friends & from her parents to my parents and etc etc!

Short post. Blogging, currently in my new room for the first time! AHHHHHHHHH!!!
See next post!

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