Monday, March 21, 2011

The Cats Mania

Jim, Maralyn, Jia Hui, Jia Yan & I went to Mdm Wong's pet shelter for our IPW project. We volunteered to help out everything that they want us to do. Actually I didn't know this shelter exists, until when i tagged along with Ariel & Ashely to the shelter for their IPW project. Ariel's group is raising funds for them so our group shall help Mdm wong with...
The cleaning of the cages.

The "serious" look. Cos as you see .. i am a stranger to them! :-@

This cat climbed on me when i squatted down to sayang her! Cute!

12.26pm liao they still have not wake up! Real pigs!

Their home is really dirty. The cages are filled with dirt, cobwebs,

The whole place is very, very dusty. The moment we wipe the cages with the wet cloths, the cobwebs will fly everywhere. *cough cough* There's lots of spiders! Everyone got freck out by them!

Look how the cats chiong to a person!

I like this cat, she's very gentle. She was the first one to climb on me! She's friendly, heees. I look ugly here, but it's okay hehe.

There's lots of abandoned dogs at the shelter! I'll take proper pictures of them on our next visit! There's too many pets there. If you guys wanna get a dog or a cat, don't buy! Adopt one!

The tails of the cats there were cut out, eyeballs were ripped out. There's this cat which is skinny until i can see practically the whole of the cat's skeleton! Oh my fucking god! She haven't had food for days.

If you aren't responsible enough to take care of the pet till it passes on, don't don't don't get! );

After that
My dad and i and mum went to Chinatown. I appreciated going out with my family alot, because we hardly spend time together. We all have our own business to do. Going out together is an rarely seen case for us la!

I used to hate chinatown, i hated going there. It's so boring. All cheena goods. I remember last time, every week my dad will bring me to chinatown. He loveee Chinatown. It was the first place he went to and stayed there when he stepped into Singapore.

Everytime go to the same place also sian, that's why i hated Chinatown. Go until sian liao.

Now, i love Chinatown. The stuff there are damn nice and they are all reasonably selling at cheap cheap prices!!!! All their bracelets, bags, shoes are so pretty pretty! ;-) I love Chinatown.

Never took enough pictures because i was too engrossed with everything at Chinatown! ^^ So pretty.

A Budget dinner after everyone bought bags of our own things.

Hey! That fried fish been hoon is damn nice! If not i wouldn't have took a picture of it!

" Its nice nice nice nice nice nice!! The fish is really solid meat, unlike other stores whose fried fish is made of 98% flour & 2% meat! Cheat our feelings one! "

Ps, that is what my mum says!
LOL, it doesn't really matter to me though. Nice can liao.

Chinatown has Koi! Green tea macchinato ~

I don't mind going there again! I still want to get more stuff! ^^

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