Saturday, April 2, 2011

Smart Fools!

I got Starbucks colour for my braces! ^^

I wanted to get oreo colour! - Black, white and blue! I thought Kaiwen would want it! But she decided to get "full white" ! Not bad too!

I wake up in the morning feeling so happy!
The bottom of my teeth moved so much! It's like so amazing! So beautiful! Hehe ops!

*Disclaimer* *May be BHB to some people*

My gums are now aching as the teeth are all moving in process! I can't wait to have gorgeous straight perfect teeeeeeeth! :-D My teeth hurts quite badly when i eat my breakfast, ass.

Those two holes were there because teeth were extracted out due to overcrowding. The holes were the size of bubble tea pearls at first! Now the holes are so small! Pearls cannot fit in anymore! The teeth are moving in backwards so that they can close the hole up! How cool is that! ^^

Everyone looks nice with braces! People will look younger with braces. Imagine a 60-year ah ma wearing braces! :-D

Before & After!

Can't really see the difference! But you look at the bottom teeth in both pictures!

In the 1st picture, the bottom row is closer to the top!

In the 2nd picture the bottom row is pushed back so it's not touching the upper row anymore! Can you guys see the plastic-looking wax at the bottom row ? Yeah! That's what makes my bottom row move backwards! They have not put it at the upper row! If not, both rows will move together and this will pain fucking hell!

In the morning feeling so happy, because the bottom of my teeth move back in & it looks nicer la! Of course!
*Disclaimer* *May be BHB to some people*

Braces helps to beautify teeth! Braces is worth it.

I bet you guys don't understand what am i talking, but it's okay! If you guys really want to find out how the braces move individual teeth, maybe you can go to Wikipedia ? ;)

Happy April fools Day!
Yesterday night at 11:59pm, i know April fools day is going to be over! I am left with 1 more minute to fool people! So i immediately tweeted saying:



vinny chai
@ OMG can u try to like bend it back?!!! :O

@ dental appointment :p

Chia Ee. L
@ try slot it back. But don't leave it there, you may develop ulcers.

Junie Lee
@ woah get it fixed ASAP ._. ! Lol mine fell out once too. V dangerous

@ velly pro leh u

Oh Sii Tin
@ oh u can put it back yourself one !

No one thought that it was april fools, probably because it was at 12am + already. This year's april fools day is hard to fool people, because i know, you guys know, it's 1st April.

I remember last year i go around fooling people that Miss Martin was getting married! I was seriously wanted to joke some people only but the message spread till miss martin! Haha! I remembered she said something like:

" Haha, very funny leh! I shall play along! "


I planned my weekends last night, i shall study all the day and night, study study study. I wasted 2 hour plus on computer and blogging. I must go now! Bye!

I wish i succeed in studying whole day, although i know its quite high hopes.

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