Monday, September 19, 2011

The past when we used to be so close.

What is my brother doing? O.O

My mum. She used to have curly hair!!!

Looking so evil.

My double chin's so gross!
Wtf is my brother doing????!

My brother has many funny faces.

My dad's double chin!!!! Omg! He used to be so plump!

Found all these pictures when we were packing the house. My dad used to take so many pictures of us when we were younger. Almost THREE CARTONS of photo albums! We hardly take any now. Things have changed. I wish that we could take as many pictures as before. Told my dad that we should capture more moments & he said suree ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I'll NEVER EVER order beef bowl from Yoshinoya again. Look at the amount of visible fats on the beef! It's not small ones but those really HUGE CHEWY KIND that got me really disgusted when i finished the whole bowl. I dislike the chewiness. Eeew.

My new awesome friend - Pamela!
I got to know Pamela through Kaiwen, & Kaiwen met Pamela at first in New Zealand! How cool is that!?

Booked her for the first time on a Saturday afternoon for a study date. Settled down at Yoshinoya @ Junction 8 because library and mcdonalds were occupied, as usual!! A great studying hangout as it's pretty empty which means, LESS NOISE :D We ended up having so much stuff to talk about & not studying, from topics of her friends to my friends & from her parents to my parents and etc etc!

Short post. Blogging, currently in my new room for the first time! AHHHHHHHHH!!!
See next post!

Friday, September 16, 2011


MY BLOGG IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

Is not that i don't want to, but i'm just so lazy to blog all the happenings! I prefer spending time more on bloghopping & blogshopping & watching world's funniest videos.

Hahahahahahahaheehoooooooooo :DDDDDD
Maybe i should do vlog instead like how Shay did! Kidding! :DDD

Monday, September 5, 2011

To start the September holidays

Omg, sorry. Hahah a scary start to holidays!

My dad said that i've tons of baby fats. This is depressingg ):

Doesn't feel like holidays. Maybe because it's just one week of no school, and it doesn't make a difference actually. But still, no school for a week! It's better than nothing.

They should put 2 months of school and 10 months of holidays. Why are there only 2 months and 2 weeks of holidays every year? It's so little ):

And i'm glad that my hair's growing really fast! Yesyes, please grow faster and faster! Many said that i should try long hair. I should or i shouldn't?

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Cannot! You're on a diet!

That is ShayCarl. He's a greatly cool guy that has a beautiful wife & 4 kids. His nick is Shaytard, while his wife is MommyTard, while his kids's nicknames are Rocktard, Sontard, princesstard and there's a new baby called babytard! Cute right, he's an awesome dad. All of them are crazy, including Mommytard, who not as mad as the kids and daddy. Daddy blogs through videos, and everyday he will upload a video to his channel.

Princess tard and rock tard.
Princess tard has an evil look! Ohmy!

Princess Tard :D

Babytard! Hahahahahahahah.

Look at his yesterday's vlog, 4th September! Cool shit! All of them are CRAZY!

Hahah, okayokay, enough of Shaytards. I'm feeling hungry now, despite eating so much for breakfast. I've been eating, like crazily more than the rest of the people in the universe i bet! Slowly people slim down and i become fatter and all of us will be same same in size! Okay sorry, this is bulllllshit.

Updating on my life - Pretty interesting hehehe. See facebook ah deh! I'm lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to talk about it. Overall it's really funn and everything. Okay byebuai.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wang Wang.

It's Friday to Saturday the girls go wild

It seems like i've been missing school every Friday. Haha, i love dental appointments. Gives me reason to give a school a miss! Made a visit to the clinic to changed my wire link & the rubber band. Feels pretty tight now. Kaiwen was at the clinic too & she heard the nurse on call for me! Haha!

The nurse on phone - " Hello, is this Ong Hwee Ting? "

Chose the colour purple as what Marilyn suggested!
Every month i shall ask colour from different friends as i'm always spoilt for colours!

Bought this Wang Wang Hot Kid Milk Beverage for the first time. A bit slow, i knowww.
Super yummy and taste of condensed milk. Slurps Slurps, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. One of my favourite drinkks.

Went to my auntie's place for a haircut. I wanted my fringe to be at the side, my auntie didn't have a choice and this was the longest length she could leave. My fringe is short & fugly now, but it's okay! I don't regret cutting as i know it'll look better in 2 weeks. No more taking of pictures & 'll pin up my hair when i go out! HAIR PLEASE GROW FASTER.