Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A happy birthday celebration!


Daisy, Jenny & I headed down to the Icing Room first to make a cake for Jesphne! It was beautifully done with Jesphne's beautiful face on the cake with beautiful brown patterns all over at the side! The cake is just simply, beautiful, sweet.

We blindfolded her & we passed her hand to Deni's! She didn't know that Deni was holding her hand all along! We were heading to the bungee ride in order to surprise Jesphne!

But we lied to her saying that we are going to a dessert shop at Clarke Quay! HAHAHA.

Walking towards the Gmax Bungee ride! Jesphne was still walking listlessly.

*Reached* HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESPHNE! We sang a birthday song for her & she cut a cake! She said she knew that we were going to ride the bungee jump & everything! And she don't want to, but it's her birthday! She has to!

When Jenny, jesphne & Deni were buying the tickets..

Woo! Oh they were back! With their tickets for the BUNGEE JUMP!
They were all feeling scared, especially Jesphne! What she just kept doing was funny unhappy faces because she did not want to sit at all! But whatever, it is her birthday! She has to sit!

Sitting on the bungee seats now! They must be feeling wobbly/excited/scared/nervous! They just kept telling themselves that they will survive!

It was so sudden! After Jenny shouted: " I love you all!" , the guy pressed the Red Button & they shooooooooooooooot up!

What i heard after that was screams & more screams!

They survived the bungee jump! They were so happy after that!
*Macho kids*

The fake seaters of the Gmax Bungee ride! HAHAHA.

After that! ^^

& then after that, we went to Starbucks to get our Frappuchino drinks which were all @ half price from 3pm-5pm! I can really swear how crowded Starbucks was! Half price leh! Who doesn't want! I ordered a Vanilla Frappuchino & i feel like drinking another cup now! More cravings ):

In the evening i met up with Kaiwen & Adeline at the City Plaza! Surprisingly the place has quite a lot of nice clothes with good deals! Sadly i only bought a top as i kept saying " Walk around see first, later then come back." I scared i see similar things that are nice & regretted buying the previous piece! When i went back to the shops for the ones i had already thought of buying, they were closed!!! Depressing much. Kaiwen bought 3 tops & Adeline bought 2 tops which were really nice! Adeline managed to settle her friend's present, which was her aim of the day!

Note to self - See anything cheap, JUST BUY. Never hesitate anymore.
Stop considering!

It feels like Holidays now, i think school's really stupid. Exams are over! They should start holidays now & tell us the exam results through online! I've completely forgotten that there's school tomorrow until texts came & oh! I was planning to sleep till 12 tomorrow!

I don't care.

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