Sunday, June 12, 2011

12 hours out!

Sentosa, Vivo, Scape on a Friday few days ago!
A bit lag hur, cos i was waaiting for Kaiwen to upload the pictures! It was a great day out as we played Truth or Dare at Sentosa, with picnic mats and food from Giant VivoMart. Instead of truth or dare, we played dare or dare.

Each of us has to write 15 dares on small pieces of paper that we got from Mac & put them into a bag. We all wrote more than 15 dares as there was still enough paper and IDEAS. Hehehe. I must admit that my dares are ridiculous but if someone picks an overboard dare & if everyone agrees that it is overboard, she can choose another dare from the bag! So fair enough ? Hahahaa.

Our first few dares:

  • Get a random guy and bury his feet (mine) Hehe, i find the guy friendly & innocent but all his friends are such a loser!
  • Gulp down a glutton of coke and burp out your name (Ariel)
  • Hop around like a rabbit (mine)

  • Hug 3 random strangers and take a picture (Andrea)
Girls that Andrea hugged!

  • Find a random guy and take picture with him and take his number (Kaiwen) His name is Anthony! Another friendly guy & average looking.
  • Tie your hair into 2 ponytails and ask a guy for his number. (Mine) I did not tie my hair into ponytails & i randomly asked the lifeguard for his number. He's damn gross and not say that good looking also la! After his shift, he came over to our mat and asked me:
" Hi, sorry, i did not catch your name just now."
Freck out! He's so old.

After that he said:

"Ohhh, so this is how young teenagers get guys' numbers nowadays."
You are really lag.

Ohhh, so now then you know ah ? Omg, How old are you man. I bet he's thirty-plus but he said that he's only 20! Like i'll believe! His text messages are gross and everything & i ignored him. Yucks, Ohya i had forgotten to reveal his name. His name is SAY QI! Weird or what!? Plus this was my first dare!


More dares:

  • Hug a random guy for 5 seconds, take picture & ask him for number (Kaiwen) Practically all our dares are mostly ask for guys' numbers & more numbers. We all used Ariel's phone to save all the numbers! The phonebook was bursting - Ariel said.
Kaiwen asked a lifeguard & he looks so old. Bet he's married!

  • Ask a random guy from number (Andrea) His name is PJ! Haha. See bottom!

  • Ask 5 guys to take picture with you ( Andrea )
Andrea saw a bunch of guys and decided to take picture with all of them!

  • Take number from guys of 5 different races (Andrea)
This was one! But he says that he's pure Singaporean!

This is another one. A malay guy.

Frecking gualan guy & all his other friends. All of them just kept laughing & the guy gave us his fake number! We even saw them on the train when we were on our way to Somerset. They just kept laughing at us.

  • Take number from random guy (Ariel)

I think he's not bad looking, better than the rest that we saw!


But he's like too underage for us! He's only ten & he's from Thailand and do not have a number! People from other countries or mix blood teens are usually more good-looking than Chinese! Chinese ah.. CMI man.


Kinda disgraceful. I ask who would like to dare me to disrupt their group photo & Kaiwen dared!


I love this camera effect!!!!!!!!! ^^

We asked Cally to come down to town & we got another guy's number!

In total we got 10 numbers from 10 guys!

Sentosa was such a disappointment on the Friday. All guys are average looking & we couldn't find any really really hot guy. Some of them are super gualian, still! All - are frecking losers!

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