Saturday, June 11, 2011

I go weeeee & my mum says that i'm mad.

I went to meet my mum at Thomson Bus Stop. She gave me a packet of Mung Chee and immediately after i opened the packet... OH MY FUCKING GOD.


Okay, not say ATTACK. Go on reading, omg! One monkey pounded on me and grabbed my Mung Chee and went to the back of the bus stop! It started pouring out the food and 1 whole lot bunch of monkeys came running towards the food! Omfg do you know how much it scared me ?! At first I thought it was a cat that came to steal my food! Everything happened too fast. The monkeys, big & small ones started snatching the food among themselves & in less than 1 minute the food was gone. Some of the monkeys started coming towards me and i ran off with my bag screaming like mad! Because i knew that they wanted more food from the same person!

Once you give food to monkeys they will start chasing for more! That's why monkeys are so scary! I was never bold about it.

I almost fell down onto the road when i ran in backwards direction! Do you know how embarrassing it was, there were so many people there! At that moment i kept thinking that someone will put me on Stomp! :'( All of them were traumatized by how many monkeys it came from the trees & the small canal nearby. There's this passer-by who keep blabbering all kinds of crap about the incident, which pissed me off & i ignored him.

I went closer after that to take picture. By then most of the monkeys were gone.

My hands can't stop shivering when i was taking all these pictures! I was so scared of them snatching my phone too! How affected i was!

This monkey was the only one left when the rest of the monkeys went back to their homes. I suspect this is the monkey that molested me la! OMG LA, but fortunately i wasn't wearing any bright clothes! Monkeys attack people with bright clothes!


The monkeys appeared at the bridge of Hort park and we got a shock! All of us didn't dare to cross the bridge at first! Slowly we did, but Cheryl still stood at the same spot because she was wearing bright blue shirt and MONKEYS ATTACK PEOPLE WITH BRIGHT CLOTHES! One of the monkey was interested in Cheryl and wanted to jump onto Cheryl! She just ran across the bridge and everything was alright after that. Hehe. I miss those days,

My mum says that even better if i get eaten up by the monkeys. Hello! Who was the one who bought mung chee for me and told me to enjoy it while its still hot!

Should contact Animal Control! A bit lazy plus i think a bit useless, they also can't really do anything because the monkeys are wild animals and they can't possibly kill them! Not say like they will also bring all of them back to the zoo! They are wild!

Damn it, i'm more worried that someone is going to put me on Stomp! No no no, no more Stomp please!!! :(

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