Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thanksgiving (((;

I bought 3 packets of durians & my dad asked me to put in the fridge first & he can eat it later. Immediately i said NO! & told him that i'm going to make something from those durians! My dad thought the idea was bad as he was afraid that i'll make the food nasty & will lose his appetite! Walao ;(

Made the pancakes using 1 packet of durians & place the other 2 packets in the fridge! Since my dad prefers PURE DURIANS. Haha,

Durian Pancakes that i made for My dad's belated Father's Day present!
Uh.... Hahahahaha ops, *losing appetite already*
It's the TASTE that counts! My dad ate 3/4 of the plate & gave the rest to my brother! He said it was delicious!

Something that i had made for Siitin's birthday present ;)

Great friend, knew her since Secondary 1! She cares to listen to me & never fails to ignore me, even if i was annoying or disturbing me. I think she's nice in that way! Other than that she's noisy the funny, weird the funny, retarded the funny (just kidding!) but she's still my great great great friend! Haha! Fun to be with, fabulous company, not very close to her but we still hang out!

Okie dokie!

Know you've been really sad for the past weeks but giving you a tissue case doesn't mean you can go on crying! Cheers! *spam smiles*

Happy Belated Birthday!

Made something for Cheryl too for her birthday present :)

She's very neutral & quiet, but that makes her nice. She'll always be there for you, lending a helping hand in whatever you need. She doesn't judge people & even when we gossip she'll only add in a little. Good soul! Her favourite colour is purple but i made something pink for her! Sorry! I hope she likes it! & I was sorry by what i had done at your house to your brother. I am terribly sorry but i know how many sorrys i say, it isn't going to change for the better. I am sorry :(


Ashely is the BEST out of the rest! Haha! Whenever i'm sad she will be the first to offer me a hug! Ahhhhhhh, awwwww. Ops. Friendly, hyper (a little too much sometimes!), laughs at me the most..uhm uhm.. but she's still my best friend!

I'm lazy to continue, although i still can go on!

It wasn't Ashely's birthday but i gave her a jar of hearts because she gave me two birthday presents! So sweet of her & i can tell that she had put in alot of effort in it!

I love cards, they are more precious than presents as when i received cards, i'll feel that that person is willing to make a effort to make that card (: But it is the thought that counts! Who cares what present you got!

People are asking me whether this cartoon looking bird is already there when i bought the green bag. Answer is nope, i paste this myself with the feathers & felt & a rose looking necklance on the neck. Haha, i thought it's kinda weird because suddenly a random black bird pops out of no where! But some people like it!

Anybody wants this bag ? I can sell you at $10 only! With the decorations & everything! Plus i had only used for a few days :)

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