Saturday, July 2, 2011



Cut my fringe too, fugly, don't like & i hope it gets nicer!

Wearing the Lipsticks shirt that i bought yesterday. Went to Bugis Street Level 3 with Kaiwen & burned a hole in my pocket ): This was the first item that i bought there & after that I thought it wasn't worth the money as i bought nicer & more worth stuff!

Kinda regretted buying this top but at least i'm wearing it now!

I look so frecking fat in the lipsticks top as it is too small for me! At the sleeves area i meant, my arms are fat la. Had put on alot of weight during the holidays, even my face become so roundish! Eeeeeeeee.

Shall head off to Hub now to meet Ariel & Kaiwen as i do not want to be late again!

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