Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday night.

Picture looks clearer w/o resizing (:

Supposed to go out with the girls but Ariel had her friend's birthday party to attend, Ashely went out with her mum, & Kaiwen accompanied me to shop around Orchard. Shortly, we walked to 313 somerset to meet Cally & she brought Joey Tan along. I think she's friendly & nice and i was surprised that she's actually quite quiet! Probably she's just shy when seeing new friends! Haha!

Chilled in at Old town White coffee, as usual. Was so pissed off at Cally as i couldn't get what she was doing, why can't she just tell us earlier, I would rather not go in that case. What she concerns is only her pride & her face, more important. I was still smiling actually, as i ordered food & we got a great laugh as Cally played with Kaiwen's camera with the fish eye effect. All of us & joey look so funny. Haha, Pictures not uploaded so i can't get from Facebook! ):

Slacked around outside Cineleisure
& we saw this frecking disgusting lady -

Link to this picture

We didn't take any pictures of her as we went around following behind her back! Cally was so scared of her & she stayed far far away from us!

That lady, is a trans sexual. is a Male, has flat crouch & silicon boobs. She has a man's voice.
So HE, go around Scape area asking for guys to have sex with her. Frecking, frecking gross. In his deep voice, he was like:

" Hey young man."
"Hey look at me."


Everyone was scared of her! One of the guys jumped up when the lady walked into a group of boys! Some of the guys even gave her a cocky face and pointed middle finger at her. She's just damn grossed, when she placed her hand on her flat crouch and directly faced the middle-aged men, who were waiting for the lift in the cineleisure.

We followed him till basement 1 of Cineleisure. He knew that we were disturbing him & he was pissed. After Cally bought her yoghurt she ran up to Level 1 as she was scared of him. And i wanted to head to the toilet to look for Kaiwen & Joey, he approached me & said:

" Hey you're ugly."
"Look at the way you dress."

I was so pissed by she said. She herself is ugly la, please man. I know that my outwear for the day was damn ugly as i thought i was going out with Ariel & Kaiwen & will come back home early, and i thought that we wouldn't go to Orchard or Somerset. I just shouted back fuck you & even more crap. She said:

" Hey you, monkey."

And i said:


I wanted her to say something more so that i can shout at her, but she went off looking for young mans without saying another word. Wanted to say:

"Omg i can see your penis!"

But she walked till so fast & i was lazy to chase after her. Anyway, she's always there at somerset or AMK Hub, so i hope to see her again so that i can insult her!

Was at first, demoralized by what she said. But after that i admit that i'm a really fucking ugly girl & i am used to whatever insults i received. I am fugly, fat, weird, disgusting, horrible!

Upset that i didn't chase after her to scold her more, hope to see her again!

I just realized i have been typing "she & her" instead of "he & his"!
That trans sexual lady is a fucking man!

Already created a list of things to tell her when i see that fugly man! Will type out next time as i need to rush now to meet Cally! Can't wait to have some fun later! Excited!

Anyway, there were alot of policemen at Scape around 11.30pm. Do you guys know that teenagers under 16 are not supposed to be out after 10pm ? If you're under 16 & been checked, you'll be brought to police station.

Yeah i was quite afraid that we guys will be caught cos of me, who wore till so kiddy & xiaomeimei yesterday! We kept silence as policemen walked past us, and alot of people there got checked by the police! We avoided them by going into Old Town White Coffee which was still opened & ordered some drinks. Alot of teenagers were caught & were brought to police station in a police van. We were quite lucky, actually.

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