Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If i die young.

Hi. It's a beautiful day. Stayed at home on the National Day for an crazy movie marathon as i watched Monte Carlo, Captain's America, Smulfs & Bridesmaid. Among all, the best is Bridesmaid. Hilarious movie, a must watch!!!!

Visited my new house around 8pm as i thought i could clearly see the fireworks from my house! When i reach Level 30 storey, there were already people crowding at the balcony, trying to get a perfect spot to see the fireworks afterwards! I went down to 28th storey to find a spot as there's people at 29th storey too. I was depressed when the fireworks came out as they weren't as high as i expected & two condos had blocked half of the view. Utterly disappointed and those two condos were newly built this year before our new house. My dad said that we would be able to see a clear view of fireworks if our new house was built first before the condo!

Haha when the fireworks were out!

Can see? Very small right!

Decided to take a video instead because the view was just so pathetic!

The videos were taking forever to load, shall upload them some other day :)

Look at how i breathe. LOL!!!!!!

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