Monday, June 20, 2011

Chinatown flea on Saturday & Sunday!

I was supposed to blog this in the middle of night but i feel asleep while waiting for the pictures to upload! -.- Shagged out.

Hi Everyone!
"Yucks i hate reading" THEN JUST SCROLL DOWN FURTHER! :D

Spent my weekends at Chinatown, the flea booth. I thought the sales were pretty satisfying as most of the aunties and maids bought my old clothes! Like cartoon tees, plain tees, singlets, etc etc. Hehe, but i lost alot. Clothes that i bought at $19.90, and i sold them at $2! New pants & i sold at $2! Clothes that i wore once, i sold them at $7. Inside of me ached whenever i told my customers the price of my clothes. Because i kept quoting at the least price that i can give, as i knew that if i say it any higher, they may walk away :(

HuiXuan said that i should sell more expensive etc etc, as she can tell that the customer is interested. But i can't control my mouth! It just sprouted out!

I still can't believe that i sold 8 items for $22 to my first customer on Saturday. It's an auntie by the way.

  1. A UK Tank which i only wore once,
  2. a new Brown belt,
  3. Army pants which i only wore a few times,
  4. Black Pants Jumper which i wore for a few times,
  5. a top which i can't remember,
  6. a new golden necklance
  7. & another necklance which i wore a few times.

I got a feeling that there's more stuff! But i can't remember :'( When i actually sold most of my old items at $3, she said stuff like: " Why the pants here so dirty? " And she threw it aside. Come on man Auntie, if clothes are selling at $3, you should have expected the quality of the clothes. She added on by saying: " In Salvation Army i can get at $1. " Then go Salvation Army la! Tsk. She even wanted to add the feathery belt in for free. Dream on. How much more do she expect!

When i told my mum about this, my mum said that the auntie is very stingy & my mum thinks that the auntie was trying to cheat us as she sees us as small kids, she thinks that we kids are easy to be cheated on. My mum made me feel by better by saying that first time do flea is normal to have these kind of customers, next time when these kind of people appear, i'll know what to do.


AND AND it's time to stock my wardrobe with new clothes! Most of all my nice clothes are gone! :( Excited, GSS isn't over yet! Mango's having sale! Wants to go shopping immediately after i come back from basketball camp! Kinda dreading camp.

People at Chinatown are either walking passed the flea lane to get to the other side, or they were here to makan the food before the flea booths, or they were just tourists roaming around Chinatown. Only a handful of people are REALLY there for the flea. Ohya, thanks to Huixuan, Siitin, Ashely, Andrea for helping us & Kwantyng, XiaoYing for coming down!

I'll enlarge the pictures later.
I need go out now to celebrate Cheryl's birthday!
& I do not want to be late!


I was quite happy with the booth location as it's not cramped up like in other fleas like Scape.. (PS: Scape flea sucks!) At Chinatown it's open air & very cooling. But when the sun came out on the Sunday afternoon... at least we didn't sweat much, still cool. I guess sales at Scape will be better than Chinatown as there are more youngsters at Scape who will buy clothes, unlike Chinatown..

A nice outerwear that Kaiwen bought! Guess how much!

Qiuqiu was here for her Budget Barbie shooting!
Her make-up on her face is heavy.. but i think she's pretty & friendly in person! She's very funny too,

i heard her said to one of the stall holders:
" Okay i shall buy these bangles and the top. $10 right ? Heyhey add in that handbag also la! :p "

And the stall holder really wanted to put into the carrier!
Haha! Qiuqiu after that said that she was just kidding, and she kept laughing!

I did not get to take a picture with her because i was on the other side shopping! Disappointment but its okay, there's always next time!

Buy 1 Mc Float get another 1 free! Double Happiness with your Dad! Happy Father's day! Super nice with Vanilla ice cream, i drank two on the same day! Super cheap lo, $2.45 for the price of 2. Means each cup is only $1.20! With $1.20 you can only buy a can of coke from Chinatown!

Essential promoters went around the flea giving out the Essential Shampoo. I believe we have more than 20 packets in total because we kept hiding ours & they kept giving new ones!

Essential Shampoo is brilliant - From Xiaxue!




<3 Andrea's bag

More in Facebook, Kaiwen's profile :)

make an animation

I said something too much yesterday, & i did not even realise it until someone told me. & because of that i thought about it the whole night since i came back home from the flea. All along i've been a pot that is calling the kettle black. I am the rude one.

I got so used to saying words that i should not say, & that i did not even realise that i have even said it. I've to stop. I've even caused a six year old kid to say Fuck. From today, on if i said something wrong again & i don't realise it, please, slap me. Like how Ariel did when i was in Sec1. Till now i still remember & from then i told myself not to insult anyone's boyfriend. And i never did.

Complete guilt.

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