Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Going back black!

I am supposed to be in basketball camp now but i was given the whole day to dye my hair & get my consent form signed as Mrs Sidhu recognized me & caught my hair colour. Mr tan was nice enough to allow me to have my coloured hair throughout the camp but he said that i was just unlucky that i got caught by a teacher :(

Currently at home, & decided to dye back my hair since school's starting & hair spray will just be stupid as i have to apply it all over again tomorrow for camp. Why can't the school allow coloured hair during holidays ? Come on man, it's holidays. Not as if i'm going to go back to school with dyed hair right! Omg it's ridiculous, this isn't the first time. Once i was chased out of the lab by Mr Tay & he asked me to either go look for Mr Prem or find a hair spray -.- Obviously, i went back home. I didn't even plan to go back to school this holidays, but because of Olevel Practical Physics Spa & now its camp.. Basketball Camp.

Using Henna Black dye now, as that's the only black hair dye i've at home.

Henna dye is better than those bottled chemical dye that you can find at Wastons! Henna is made from dried, ground-up henna plant leaves. Natural ingredients for healthy hair! It doesn't have a pleasant smell though, smell of herbal products.. but it is good for our hair, & of course, better than my previous Hi-Bleach dye!

Kinda miss my coloured hair now.. *insert unhappy faces*


Okay i'm back washing & drying my hair and everything! I was overly shocked by the results. My hair is completely.. JET BLACK..

I'm not exaggerating. It is seriously super, super black.

But i don't remember having such a deep black hair!

When i still got my coloured extensions on..

My hair became really thickish black after the Henna dye, this shows that Henna is really good. *RECOMMENDED* !!!

It makes your hair thick & healthy & it makes your hair appears that you've alot in volume! Unlike other hair dyes which spoil your hair & makes your hair thinner! Henna is so much cheaper than hair dye! Each packet of Henna is only $1.90 (maximum). You can get them at Little India for $1!

Great when you need to dye back to black for school's starting next week.
I totally do not want holidays to end, & bet the rest think the same way :)

Kinda miss my reddish hair colour though.. But it's okay! There's always the upcoming December holidays! Excited because i'll be going to Bali with the awesome & my mum told me to book tickets for a trip to Thailand! This will be the first time i'm going to sit a aeroplane & have holidays with my family! Since there's sort of what do you call that... Budget Airplanes ? Less than $1000 & you can sit a plane & travel! Omg something to look forward to!!! My family isn't blissful enough to be able to travel every year, further more i've never sat on a plane before. Haha i don't find myself pathetic though :)

& I hope by then i could get a DSLR by the end of year using my own pocket money.. hmmmmm. As long as i use my own money, my parents wouldn't have any objections. Because it is not their money! How typical.

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