Saturday, June 25, 2011

sing! Sing! SING!

I slept early & woke up at 6am to pack my jerseys for basketball camp. I dreaded going because it's been a month since i went training & i thought it'll be weird to go camp all of a sudden. Plus i knew that we would be training all day. Peeps say that i should go or i'll miss out all the fun since it's basketball camp. Actually i had already thought of going & i was EXCITED!

First day in the morning
we just trained..muscle aching & still training..

Ops. Haha, please let me know if you want this to be removed!

Roller Coaster Fright! Anyway Jenny said that the uss roller coaster ride isn't scary nor exciting, :(

What's Cheryl doing ?!

Jing Yi.

Melissa Koh.

Jia Yi.

Nice picture of Cheryl :)

After that i was sent back home to dye my hair back to black & signed my consent form. For the rest of the afternoon they played chain catching & powerball. I love playing those two games and was sad that i missed out the fun! :( When i went back to school some of us helped the seniors with setting up the night activities while the rest ran 2.4km.. hohoho.

My lovely juniors ;)
I find all of them cute, friendly & pretty.

The Night Activities

Had our dinner, & our juniors are so anti-social among themselves because they sat in three groups, and the upper sec sat in one group. Haha! I remembered being once like that when I was in Sec1!

I was just merely..talking :(

Ni Tu the mud - Kah Meng's sister! I find her damn cute & funny, especially after when her specs was spoiled on the second day & her eye degree is 700+! Love all my sec1 juniors!

The belly dance, part of the dare!
Doesn't this picture reminds you of something ? A fruit.. ?
Starts with P.. ? :D

Ended the night with some sort of Spiderweb game. Poker cards were thrown everywhere & we were split into two. Both groups had to find a card the seniors want by going into the spiderweb in one straight line with no communication, no touching of the stings & no letting go of your hands from the shoulders. Only the last person in the "tutu train" line can take or flip the wanted card found on the floor & give to Kimberly sitting in the middle of the "spiderweb".

We kept restarting & went back to the starting line as some of us touched the strings without knowing..
& we kept sweating!

The Second Day


Friendly match with our really really old seniors..from 17-19 years old. They're super super powerful.
Got a crazy earning from Coach. What he just kept saying was " Work lo, work somemore. Don't want come my training. Work more important. So desperate for money. " What the shit, he just kept saying & saying. I swallowed hard & tolerated for 10 minutes.


After that i used the laptop while the rest slept..

After that, training again,
In the evening, friendly match with Geylang Serial Team!

Cate Kidston's fan that Daisy got it for free! Frecking nice.

Uhm uhm.. Hahahahaha.

I thought Jenny was touching Coach's butt as i was looking through the pictures!

Ended the night with buffet & the whole team sat together & chatted with Coach for two whole hours! Can't believe it too, we talked for so long. Both Coach & Jenny are equally thick-skinned but both are in their funny ways! :p

I feel so bad for having such itchy hands. I went to open up the back of Jenny's hot pink fisheye camera out of curiosity, & i'm not supposed to open it, or the film will be exposed & pictures will turn out super bright & ugly! I didn't know until Daisy told me & omg..the pictures matter more and and and..... :'(

Jenny was still happy & everything but i know that she's confirmed sad inside as there's pictures of her with Huang & Jesphne!

Sorry, Sorry, & Sorry :(
& Hope that the pictures turn out alright... ;(
Feeling uneasy.

The next day.
Friendly match & group picture & off we went home!

I did not regret going at all as i got to know all my juniors & they were actually so cute & friendly hahahahahaha. Despite just 3 days 2 nights, we had lots of fun (except for the trainings), especially the 2nd night when we chatted with Coach for 2 hours! Couldn't believe the duration too, we talked for so long & didn't realise the time had past..Great bonding time as we all sat together, wearing the basketball tee & had lots of laughter.. it was our best camp :)
Yeah ah ha you know what it is Black and yellow, black and yellow Black and yellow, black and yellow!


Yeah ah ha you know what it is
Bukit Merah, Bukit Merah

Bukit Merah, Bukit Merah!

Yeah ah ha you know what it is
Yixuan Gunin, Yixuan Gunin

Yixuan Gunin, Yixuan Gunin!

All, just kidding!

But.. we never fail to leave the camp without having lots of major muscle pains especially at the thighs! Ohmy, probably the most unforgettable aches for all of us :(

All the pictures above were taken from facebook & there's LOADS more! Can't believe i have uploaded so many camp pictures to blogger because i simply enjoyed myself. Took 3 days for me to post this up as resizing of pictures take forever & my laptop was confiscated on Saturday night! Okayokay, byebye hate schoool.

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