Monday, July 25, 2011

Ariel's Birthday celebration!

Surprised Ariel with a cake & with all the people at AMK Mac singing for her a birthday song! It was loud & a successful surprise because Ariel really thought we didn't get anything for her!

It was like on last Monday? Hahahahahahaha exactly a week ago. I forked out money for the present but feel that i have to give her something else other than the Polaroid & mango cake we got for her! Maybe i should make for her something.. :)

She ate her dinner till really unglam. I can't help but kept laughing! Hahahahaha!!!!

The rest went back home while i watched Ariel eat her dinner at SuperDog! The super super delicious hotdog, although i don't really like hotdogs..but it was her birthday so she should choose her chill out! ^^

After SuperDog, we headed back to AMK Mac, her favorite place of all!

All her friends were there, working, of course it is her favorite place! I don't mind working at Mc Cafe though, as all the people there are really friendly & at least for Mc Cafe work, there's not a need to get into the kitchen where all the heat & oil are! All you need to do is blend drinks & prepare cheesecakes & the melts!

She just gotten her new mac uniform which was ugly & Ariel wants to quit her job! I doubt she will bare to as all her friends are there! But Ariel said that her friends are resigning too!
... :p

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